This Picture is EXCLUSIVE to the 3D GFX CD. Description & conditions of:- Js2.jpg Description:- This is an updated render of my salvage spaceship, the picture is only subtalbly different but is much improved from it`s predessor, the objects attributes are better, the asteriod city has more detail, the rock looks much more realistic & the rings round the planet actually look quite good. Also both depth of field & lens flare are used to add that finishing touch. Jim can be reached on Conditions:- This pciture is not "public domain", however it may be freely distributed if this text file is included, the execption to this condition regards CD, this picture may not be placed onto a CD without the permission of Jim Hendry. If you want to contact me then write to:- Paul Jones 69 Southborough Crescent Bradeley Stoke-on-Trent ST6 7NB England or E-Mail